Thursday, October 18, 2018

Nest hello installation

This is the easiest installation ever. 
The nest app, walks you through the entire process.
But, there are a few factors that we want you to know......

The nest hello is compatible with....

-One door chime, one door bell.
-Exceptions to the rules, two nest doorbells ONE chime.

-16-24 volt transformers needed. You install, get a yellow light, you'll need a new transformer.

-Nicor chimes, Nest doorbells do not work with all in one door bell chimes. Sure they sound great but they wont work. its an all in one transformer and chime recessed in the wall, wont work, need to convert to a new chime. See pic, you have this, it will need to be converted.

-No doorbell wires, no wall chime? You'll need a chime system and transformer installed or a 24 volt power source to the doorbell, can then use google home or hub for alerts as well as phones and tablets.

 Last but not least. 
  • Make sure you're standing close to the doorbell during install.
  • Make sure to swipe on show password while entering network info.
  • Make sure not to select electronic door chime unless you actually have a melodic digital chime.

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